
Each modality has its own specialized approach for eliminating the  disruptive energies that cause turmoil in your life. At the beginning of a session, a modality is selected  based on your  needs and concerns at that time.  You may  have a preference and we use only that.  Frequently, a synergistic relationship is formed between  modalities  in a  session, making the session quite powerful.

Sedona Method (SM) 

flower droplets over waterThe SM is a gentle state of self-exploration that empowers you to instantaneously melt away negative thoughts and feelings on the spot. It is a relaxing state of self-inquiry that allows you to easily dissolve any emotional issue.

The SM can be used to eliminate unwanted habits such as procrastination, overating; the emotional roots of health issues; everyday stress; unhealthy relationships; as well as impediments to financial success and freedom.

As you let go, you feel calmer, more confident, and steadier in life. Deep  states of inner peace are natural occurrences, bringing  increased joy and happiness into everyday life.


Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

bamboo with water dropletSRT works with a set of specific charts, a pendulum, and your High Self to clear blocks and programs, unwanted habits, and other disruptive energies and from your Soul’s records and your subconscious mind.

SRT modality has a way of working directly with Spirit to get to the root and clear disturbances and inference patterns at the core.

Your souls records have a way of interfacing and creating a reality whether you’re aware of it or not. SRT has a way of clearing the history and pathway so you can express your gifts and talent and live from your greatest potential.


Resonance Repatterning

Resonance Repatterning pathwayRR maps out the non-coherent patterns you are currently experiencing and allows you to shift out of the lower frequency. It dissolves the disruptive patterns of influence in your mind-body energy system. As a result, you naturally respond differently to situations and are able to be effective in all area of your life.

Now attuned at a more positive frequency, new opportunities simply show up. Your energy system has “spiraled up” to a higher state of well-being. You become the attractor for more and more positive experiences in your life.


butterfly in sand

An energy psychology modality that uses specific acupuncture points to support healing and transformation.

It reconnects inner parts of ourselves that have been split off because of trauma or other deeply wounding experiences

TAT is an acupressure technique that emits a flow of energy which permits the brain to easily process “old, stuck information,” negative beliefs, and trauma.

TAT is an elegant gentle process that dissolves energy blockages in your mind-body systems. It changes how we experience life.


Multnomah Waterfalls

An energy psychology modality that uses the power of the word to bring about positive change and transformation. It’s an effective instrument for resolving trauma and emotional roots of physical discomfort.

A series of three short statements are used to bring about change and recover your energy from frozen energy structures that are being held in your personal field.

These frozen images are the result of traumatic stress, memories, grief and other upsetting experiences. Often hidden, these images keep you from being the best you can be. Logosynthesis supports your healing at the deepest level.



Ask and Receive

Man in rainbow light and starsAsk and Receive is an energy psychology modality that access Higher Consciousness States for rapid healing. It is based on the concept that there is a Wiser Higher part of ourselves that already knows the answers to our deepest concerns.

Through a series of simple statements and a unique tool, you directly access that infinite wisdom state to bring about healing and effect change.

Ask and Receive rapidly frees you from negative energy patterns resulting in healing and transformation. Relief from “your story,” limiting beliefs and upsetting experiences happens “almost magically.’



An energy psychology modality that allows you to easily and gently heal distress, upsets and concerns through the use of visualization, a healing symbol, and statements.  Specific issues can safely and easily be targeted and transformed.

Zensight is similar to hypnosis yet no hypnosis is required. During a session, a natural feeling of deep relaxation occurs where transformation takes place.