About Neva Rayne

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Meet Neva

I have over 25 years’ experience serving and supporting others in their personal development and spiritual growth. I have studied with some of the best minds and coaches in the field of energy psychology and the healing arts. My commitment, persistence, and dedication to my own metamorphosis has forged and shaped me into a powerful conduit for others’ transformation. Through extensive trainings and personal life challenges, I have acquired a library of knowledge, deep wisdom, and profound insight and understanding in working with others. I combine intuitive knowingness with precision tools and techniques tailoring each session to meet the needs of each individual.

I guide clients through their personal journey, assisting them in reaching their goals, such as: realizing success in reducing stress, ending procrastination, healing wounds of the past, as well as having a new relationship with money and prosperity. I assist clients in uncovering the truth of who they are as we dissolve negative emotions and negative self-talk. This results in their realizing greater confidence, clarity, composure, and feeling more positive, joyful, and vibrant.

As a facilitator in the field of energy psychology I target releasing habituated energy patterns and limiting beliefs that keep you trapped in a box. Dissolving energy entrapments at their roots frees you to be your best, allows you to move forward achieving success, and having the happiness, fulfillment, and joy you desire. It’s about living your best life.

My spiritual journey deepens and widens as I continue walking the path of non-dualism. As an avid student, my personal growth and development continues through reading, teleclasses, webinars and my personal studies with teachers.

I recently moved to Sarasota with my two cats, Ascher and Frosti. They now take great delight hanging out on the lanai –accommodated by the constant gulf breezes, the sound of rustling palms and sight of bunnies running through the grass. And I take great joy in watching them having so much fun.

I am a Reiki Master, an Ordained Minister and hold Certification as Healer Counselor. I have had extensive in-depth training and experience in mind-body Therapies, Energy Psychology, and Inspirational Coaching. In addition, I am a member and a Certified Energy Health Practitioner of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), an International organization dedicated to improving and enhancing the practice and outreach of energy medicine.

Life’s challenges are met with greater ease, equanimity, and joy.
Life mirrors back higher states of well-being, reflecting a new positive inner landscape.