A Wealthy Heart

– Posted in: Money

When you think of wealth many of you think of security and safety. In truth safety and security are things only which you can give yourselves.  It comes from within. They do not lie outside of you nor are they dependent upon the size of your bank account. Embodying safety and security is an inside job that comes from doing the transformational work of reconnecting to your inner child and meeting her/his needs.  It is a spiritual connection to Source.

Wealth is a warehouse of positive emotions. Feeling good about you, having dear friends, family and contributing to the world.  Wealth is about feeling rich inside, no matter what is going on the outside. It is a place of sanctity and strength. Wealth is having an abundant heart filled with compassion and understanding.  Wealth is the steel that gives you the courage to greet the day with enthusiasm. It is the well-spring of joy, creativity and humor.

And wealth is money. It is the unending flow of external riches to you. Wealth is the experience of abundance; and of feeling connected to an abundant universe and having it active in your life.  There are powerful core beliefs held by those who experience abundance. What is essential to these beliefs is holding them in your heart and feeling their energy. In order to resonate with wealth you must first feel wealthy inside; and you must have a space in your heart to receive wealth.

Holding onto anger, grudges, resentment, and similar emotions restricts the flow of universal wealth to you. They act like a log jam holding back the fertile river of the Nile.  To become a magnet for wealth, by necessity, you must transform incompatible vibrations, such as anger, lack and fear, into wealth consciousness energies –and develop an awareness of the nature of prosperity and its flow. Make no mistake about it: your emotions, thoughts and attitudes affect your money.

I like to think of the nurturing aspect of money. People tend to shy away from this, thinking money is the “root of all evil,” or “the love of money,” is bad. Neither is true.  Money is both a commodity and it is nurturing. It is both feminine and masculine. The masculine quality is about work and responsibility. It allows you to provide food, clothing, and shelter for yourself and your family. It allows you to be generous with those in need; to share and give.

The feminine quality of money is about enjoying. It is the nurturing energy of caring and feeling good, similar to enjoying a beautiful sunset, or the lush foliage of a Tropical Island.  It is the luxury of enjoying skiing down a snow capped mountain or sailing across the ocean. Money gives in its wealth so that you may experience the pleasures and refinement of life. Money is your birthright.

So on Valentine’s Day be grateful to money. It is allowing you to share your love with someone dear through a card or candy or flowers. Remember to say thank you to money for being in your life. Embrace both the feminine and masculine qualities of money in a balanced way. Embrace wealth through your positive feelings and emotions, develop wealth consciousness, and become a money magnet.

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