Each of us is our own Universe

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This article is Part Two to “Integrity and the Universe.”

In Part One, I described how integrity was foundational to what I believe makes the universe work the way it does – with such accuracy and reliability.  The quality of integrity is behind the Law of Attraction and the Law of Polarity? It relates to how our intentions are paramount to having things show up in the physical?

As above so below, as within so without: just as integrity is foundational to the wholeness, to the completeness of the Universe, so too does it relate to our individual wholeness. Integrity an innate quality of the Universe, responds because that’s its nature. It can do no other thing or it would be out of integrity to itself.  As part of our personal unfolding, we come to value integrity as a necessity worth developing. For me, it was being able to speak my truth, sincerely, honoring the other person. For me, it was about valuing another person in a whole new way. I found it uplifting, fun and I unexpectedly found myself, feeling good about myself in a new way.  .

Integrity lies dormant, a potential within each of us, until we make a conscious choice to awaken that quality. Until we are integras, our relationships are but a shadow of their full richness. However, once that road is taken, that single quality enhances every part of our lives.   It is core to any successful entrepreneur and intimate relationship.

For me, engaging with others in this way was one of the best feelings in my life. My self esteem grew. I could go to sleep at night knowing I did my best and I brought my full self into whatever I did and into my relationships, both personal and professional.

Any time I had shaded the truth, gave answers that were only half true, or avoid answering altogether never felt good. There was this twinge in my heart that I couldn’t quite escape. So I decided to take Shakespeare seriously.

Polonius: (Shakespeare) said: “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”:

Therein lies the secret of success. Great statesmen are honored for their honesty and integrity, Abe Lincoln being the most famous.

People feel safe when they are in the company of someone they know will be truthful with them, someone who is real, and someone who allows their own vulnerability to show. People of integrity are attractive to others, they are admired and valued. Integrity is the nucleus to any successful business. People need to feel that you are consistent, trustworthy, and you keep promises.

For me, integrity means going the extra mile; it means keeping promises. It means bringing my best to whatever I do and having a commitment to my clients to bring forth their integrity—with themselves, their relationships, and their businesses.

David R Hawkins, one of my teachers, used to say, “Every hair on your head is counted.”

For me, that meant to be totally honest in everything I think, say and do; and be able to look myself square in the eye. Being honest can be challenging at times. However, the intrinsic wholeness, completeness, and soundness of integrity is how the Universe runs.

And each of us is our own Universe.

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