The Power of “I AM”

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On Easter Sunday, Oprah interviewed Pastor Joel Osteen. His sermon was very interesting. It was on the power of the “I AM.” For those of you not yet familiar with how important these two words are I’ll briefly explain.

First, they are a very powerful tool of consciousness, for whatever you say about yourself following these two words is empowered by the “I AM.” You have empowered it to come into fruition.

So if you say, “I am stupid,” or “I am unlucky,” you have energized those states with the power of the “I AM.” When you say, “I am pretty or kind or prosperous,” you have chosen to declare and energize that for yourself. Your self-talk can strengthen you and actualize the positive or it can energize the negative including its effects. Part of your personal and spiritual growth is to become aware of your thoughts and practice being mindful in the moment. Words are very powerful. When placed after “I AM” they are even more so.

I loved Pastor Osteen’s explanation on the use of the words “I Am.” He took it more than just repeating an affirmation. Unless done in a very specific way, there is generally too much resistance from the subconscious mind to let the affirmation in. Frequently, you will hear an inner voice arguing with you, even as you are saying them.

However, stated powerfully, from the heart, with deep feeling and passion there is an entirely different experience. The words of the affirmation (new information) can have a profound impact on your vibrational level. Even more powerful, is once having you cleared and removed the negative opposite, energetically, the affirmation is easily accepted as truth.

This has been my experience in working with clients; it is more effective to clear the negative first– that caused you to need to affirmation in the first place. Once that is done, the affirmations slip right into the subconscious – where change happens. You’ve removed the resistance. Are now creating new neural pathways for the new information to go in and be accepted.

Affirmations and positive quotes can be motivational, and uplift ones spirits – and touch a place in us that knows them to be true. But they need to go much deeper in order to have a deep and lasting effect you. “I AM ___________,” can be stated upon awakening or in the evening.

A profound understanding of using the “I AM,” is that we are inviting in that which follows those two words. So when you say, “I AM happy,” you are calling happiness in. When you say, “I AM focused, you are inviting that in. That is entirely different than trying to convince yourself that you are happy or focused when you are not. And it strengthens the thing that you want, to become true for you.

There is another Truth, the “I AM Presence” is truly happy, focused, disciplined, joyous, wealthy, etc. So when you declare these as so for yourself– from the deepest part of you and feel it from within your heart – you are speaking the power of the ‘I AM consciousness.”

And it has to show up in your life.

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