Imagine you’re walking through a lush, rich green forest, surrounded by dense foliage. Out of the blue you unexpectedly walk into a sticky surprising mess — the neatly constructed masterpiece of a spider’s web. Efforts to free yourself make the strands of the web stick to your fingers even more. Shaking them off doesn’t work. They just stick and stick and may even find a way of clinging to your jacket or hair. Finally you rub the scraggly fibers off onto the bark of a tree or the leaf of a nearby bush. Unknowingly, like a spider’s web, you can be stuck in a tangle of hidden sticky misperceptions and beliefs around money. Many times these beliefs are passed on for generations through your family system.
Our perceived scarcity is often a reflection of limiting beliefs, yes, including money that has come from our parents, ancestry and culture. These limiting beliefs become our “blind spot.” Like a fire wall in your computer, they hang out, doing their thing, and prevent what we consciously desire from manifesting.
We wonder why our lives aren’t working. There is no escaping this dynamic: if you hold a limiting belief in your subconscious, it will affect you.
According to Marshall Sylver,” Unless you deliberately redefine your limits–that is, reprogram your subconscious–you’re stuck with habits and limitations of the past.”
Beliefs and the hidden patterns of energy, like spider webs, are invisible to the naked eye and yet clearly visible in the struggles and challenges you face. Operating at a subconscious level, they powerfully influence the decisions and choices you make.
Even if you are consciously aware of doing things in a new and better way, the possibility of actually doing that bounces off of you if isn’t aligned with your subconscious programming. Change is an inside job.
Like a master detective, you increase the power of your choices as well as bring true variety and passion into your life, your business, and your finances.
Five ways to recognize self-limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns.
- When you struggle with finances. You can’t seem to get ahead or when you do, the money somehow seems to roller coaster downhill. You are in what I call “the roller coaster effect.”
- When you find yourself in power struggles with others, especially your partner and children.
- When your creativity and confidence are blocked.
- When you simply feel “something isn’t right” inside and can’t put your finger on it.
- When you are disorganized and/or can’t seem to stay on task, feeling frustrated, then you know you are “playing” with unconscious material that is holding you back
Each of these is an indicator of self- limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that are impacting the quality of your life and your business. If you recognize yourself in any of the above, know you are not alone—and there is a way out.
The way out is filled with unexpected fun, is surprisingly interesting, and is packed with multiple benefits.