A True Story of Personal Empowerment

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I’d like to share with you a true story of personal empowerment.

You see, the reason you haven’t heard from me in a while is because I’ve been on a journey of healing, the kind that many of you might recognize. 

On August 27, 2013, I had a routine colonoscopy; the doctor found a large tumor. The biopsy was positive and I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Scary words! In less than a month, I went into surgery to remove the tumor.

Everything went well—better than expected. I had prepared with hypnosis CD’s so I was calm and peaceful throughout. However, there was one minor glitch. Out of the 25 lymph node samplings, the lab report showed one node was malignant. That meant the unhealthy cells had escaped the boundaries of the tumor and I was officially elevated to a stage 3 cancer patient. You can imagine my shock and fear at this unexpected turn! 

The standard care of treatment in this situation is 3-6 months of chemotherapy; although no radiation was required. Even though only one out of 25 nodes tested positive, I was advised to have chemo to make sure other possible cancers were eliminated and that there would be no recurrence.

It was hard for me to wrap my head around all this. The thought of putting those chemicals into my body just didn’t sit right. I agonized for weeks. If I chose to do chemo, it meant putting toxic chemicals into my body when it most needed support. After all, a large portion of my colon had just been removed! If I chose the alternative route, I was stepping out of the standard practices and into full responsibility for my own healing at both physical and subtle levels. 

In the 6 weeks before chemo was to start, I dove into research that would help me make the best decision I could for my body and my beliefs. I read everything I could find; I talked with people all around the country. The thing I found most interesting is that cancer doesn’t really die, there is always some in our bodies.  I knew there had to be a healthy way to reduce its impact. 

As I sat in meditation during those six weeks, I came to this state of knowing: I am not here to die from cancer! Once I had this empowering belief to guide me, I realized I could face down the cancer industry and make my own choices between standard care of medical practice and many kinds of alternative resources. 

There’s no guarantee either way. The statistics of recurrence after chemo are quite high. Plus with chemo, the body is at great risk for serious side effects. Some of the alternative practices have been researched, some not, some have good results, some don’t. But after much back and forth thinking, praying, quieting my fears and on-going research—I chose to say no to chemo and yes to alternative therapies. 

And so, to this day, my alternative plan includes changing my diet to foods that support my immune system, improving my sleep habits, getting more exercise, and adding specific foods and nutrients that put cancer into the normal cellular death process. I also added lots and lots of energy sessions.

Now a year later, I have had my first series of checkups. And the good news: no cancer anywhere in my body.  

So my message to you is this. If you or someone you love is faced with a similar situation, please take the time to find out what is really right for you.

If you’d like to talk, I’m happy to share my research and experience of making empowered choices for overcoming cancer. 

And—I’m always happy to offer energy sessions that relieve trauma in your body and bring harmony and balance to the many levels of your life and being.

Yours in health!


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