Accountability,a new look at what you are vibrating, and what you are attracting, as in “I am reliable. I am answerable to myself for what I have attracted into my life, or what I am attracting in my life.” Are you taking accountability for what you are attracting?
Accountability is a strong position, one that is filled with the inner awareness that what you believe, think, feel, will be your experience. It is a position empty of judging or blaming — either yourself or others. When you are advanced in your consciousness to a state of accountability, you realize and accept your responsibility for what you are experiencing. You are able to reflect (i.e. be accountable or reliable) and do something about it. You have empowered yourself with truth — accountability.
For example: in business everything is going smoothly, attracting more clients and improving cash flow. You accept the positive changes you have made in your thinking, saying, “Wow, look at what I have done. The universe is really supporting me.” A few weeks or months later, things begin to change: clients fall off, cash flow dries up, and your energy feels deflated. You blame employees for not being motivated or missing the opportunity you are providing. Maybe you simply are getting more “no answers” than you would like. The opportunity has shown up, in all of its richness, for you to look at some buried beliefs or subconscious blocks that are now surfacing.
There is no progress in denial or blame. Only when we take responsibility for whatever is showing up as a mirror to our deeper beliefs or emotional scars can we truly change our lives; only then can we truly be in the path of true fulfillment. That is the beauty, the strength and the power of taking and <em>being</em> accountable for your life and all of its experiences.
Every experience, without exception, reflects the quality of our inner state. It’s like having your own personal GPS — all we need to do is listen and be aware — and be willing to be honest and have the desire for lasting change. Whether negative or positive, every situation gives us feedback to our beliefs, and it is through that awareness we able to change and grow. We can’t “fix” a problem if we deny having one.
Blaming the husband or the kids is a cop out. It’s a waste of you energy. “He won’t let me.” This requires you to examine the type of support that you really have in your life and to move beyond it if it doesn’t truly support your dreams and ambitions. That doesn’t mean getting a divorce; it means to stop using it as an excuse and look at your own fears or insecurities. Then do something about it.
“The kids always demand your attention and time.” This excuse requires you to look at where you have been sacrificing yourself and giving up your power to your children.
Negative or positive, we attract both because we vibrated with them and have pulled them into our experience. Yet, somehow, people develop amnesia when it comes to accepting the negative as a mirror for positive change.
Through practice, we develop self-reliance, an inner quality of stability, of being able to stand alone and feel secure. This is an inner calm that I like to call “the silent strength” of one’s knowing, an ineffable quality that stands one firm and sure footed in the world. Such a person is answerable to himself and to others without blame or criticism or judgment. You can count on yourself; you know you are answerable and, by that knowing, fully acknowledge your responsibility to both the positive and negative within yourself. And once you do that you have the power to change it.
Wishing you abundant prosperity,
Warmly, Neva