Santa Claus

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It’s  that time of year: a time when lights of red and green, yellow and blue, decorate houses and trees. A time when front yards are light up with a red nosed Rudolph and cardboard carol singers. A time when ladders come out so Dad can trim the rooftops with white lights and dripping icicles, lighting the way for Santa to safely land his sleigh.

The children wait anxiously for that magical night; the night that Santa answers their letters and wishes and brings them toys. Clement Clarke Moore wrote “The Night before Christmas, ” a time when Santa comes down the red chimney to an awaiting cup of hot chocolate and plate of warm chocolate chip cookies; then mysteriously defies gravity bounding upwards again through the chimney shaft.

We as adults still love Santa. We too are caught in the magical spell of his twinkling eyes and long white beard, his bright red suit and shiny black boots, round belly and great hearty laugh.

Did you ever wonder why you are enthralled by this jolly old Soul? I did. It was during a meditation when an image of Santa appeared.  Quite surprised by this, I wondered what it meant.  Why would a Santa show up while I was in a trance like state?  What was my subconscious trying to show me in this archetypal theme: Santa Claus?

In my mind’s eye, Santa slowly revealed his secrets to me.

He exemplified confidence. Santa knew who who he was.  I thought of the many Santa movies; Miracle on 34th Street being the most famous. In every one of them someone was trying to prove that Santa wasn’t Santa. Rather, some delusional poor Soul, who had lost his mind. In every instance Santa remained confident, unwavering in who he was.  He had a solid strong voice, full of self-expression.

The twinkle in his eye reflected the light of Santa’s inner being; his connection with Spirit, with his Soul and beauty he saw in the world, in people.  It reflected clarity, goodness and a hint of knowing “the mysterious.”

It reflected his endless wisdom.  When Santa checked, “If children were naughty or nice,” he was able to discern in a person, good from evil; kindness from selfishness; gentleness from harsh crassness. Santa was wise.

Hmmmm – my subconscious was telling me something. What was the message?

Was I to look inside and find my own inner Santa, my own inner confidence?   Was it time for me to enjoy being me, to boldly express from my 5th chakra, with a twinkle in my eye of pure delight? Was it to rediscover the fun of childhood with vivacious self- expression? And mostly, was it that we are all one, connected throughout time and space ( Santa’s Sleigh) to an eternal truth: “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” William Shakespeare.

The holiday season is a time to remind us all that true prosperity comes in the joy of remembering that we are all one.

Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year!

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