Why Doesn’t It Work For Me?

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Why doesn’t it Work for me?

Many of you have heard of the Law of Attraction; have even tried to use it. Yet it  seems so difficult for some people to use. You may be one of them. You see it working for others, their getting the job, or raise, or relationship they want. Why not you?

The movie, The Secret, first brought this dynamic law of the Universe to our attention. It introduced millions of people to the secret of how to actualize their desires in the physical world. We were taught that what we think about becomes manifest in our reality. The premise was simple: we create our reality by our thoughts. Some of you may be thinking right now, “I think positive thoughts.”

That is not enough. The Law of Attraction is not about simply repeating positive affirmations to yourself, or creating vision boards or reading your goal list daily.  There is a real dynamic to the Law of Attraction and it works on a vibratory level. And, here’s the real secret, you must be a vibrational match for the thing that you desire.   That means on a conscious and subconscious level. Your beliefs must be aligned with what you want consciously and you need to be at a vibratory frequency compatible with that with which you want.

The truth is the Law of Attraction is working all the time. The principles are always drawing to you  that which you  vibrate with, hence the word “attraction.”  Look around you. Your life is a direct relationship to your beliefs. You have created it. The good news is you can also create something new.   Taking responsibility is the first step. Only then can you change that which you do not want.

So what do I mean, “Create a vibratory frequency?”  It means to feel good. It means to keep your vibrations high for the thing you want. One of the ways I do this is to tell myself each morning that something wonderful is going to happen today and I will look for it.  And something wonderful always shows up.

It’s a very subtle way of keeping my energies authentically high and positive.  You see the LOA works on a feeling level.  Regardless of what I am asking for my intention is to keep my energies high and joyful.  We live in an interactive universe and the universe always responds to how we are feeling.

Here is an activity that you can do daily. I like to do it just before bed when I am most relaxed.

Visualize yourself having your desire.  See yourself having attained it. Bring all of your senses into the experience. Make it real. Now check in with your body. How does it feel? Does it feel happy, like you can hardly contain it? Do you feel joy or peace or serenity? Are you feeling the same emotions with the same intensity as you would if you already had that desire? These are the feeling states, or feeling tones, that the universe responds to as you hold your desired outcome in your mind’s eye.

See yourself in the picture—whether it is a vacation, new home, car or new job. The key to the LOA attraction is to feel it, be in it, and live it as if you already were there.

Next, live your life as if what you desire has already happened. It’s yours. Here is the power of beliefs: believe that what you asked for is already given and it is only a matter of time before it shows up on the physical plane.

Remember, we create our reality by our thoughts. Simple truth.  A mighty power. Here is your challenge: Carry the feeling and the belief that what you desire is done. When you get into your car, if you want new one, feel the newness of that car as you turn the ignition key.  If your desire is a new home, feel the carpet or wooden floors as you walk across your current home. Here the sounds of the ocean waves, as you awaken, if you desire to live near waterways.

It might only be for a moment that is all that is needed for it is the feeling tone the universe responds to. Keep your beliefs to yourself and hold steadfast. Refrain from telling others of your dream. Give gratitude. Remember to feel grateful for the desired things as if it is already here.

Throughout the day take a moment to feel your gratitude overflowing and it will push away any doubts.

Remember, any belief if persisted long enough will manifest as fact into your physical reality.


Wising you abundant prosperity,


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